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Wednesday 27 April 2011

April 27, 2011

Over the past three weeks I have been gathering information on the questions that are asked most. Some of the questions include; how do I get my picture into PowerPoint? and how do I get the picture in to Photoshop? I have also been helping out the students with their PowerPoint on Internet safety and Classroom rules.

When the new group of students came into the class they were learning about the different things that are on the computers. They started out using PowerPoint and they are now using Photoshop to create there “Resize Me” Project.

Today I will be making a list of the questions that are asked, and will be making tutorials about them.

Thursday 21 April 2011

April 21, 2011

Today the students are doing bookwork and learning about graphic layouts and how to make things stand out in order to help with promotion. They will be starting Photo shop today. So I will be assisting them start Photo shop.

I will be also making a list of questions the students ask my self or Ms. Grinnell and will be looking at the vimeo website to get an idea of the types of tutorials I will be creating next week.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

April 20, 2011

Today we went over some of the things that have been done by senior students. They saw some of the grade 11 posters and the grade 12 magazine covers. We went over class rules and Internet safety yesterday so that they could include the information in their power points.

Today I helped one of the students catch up with the work that she has missed over the past couple days. I showed her where to find the assignments, how to get on the server, how to find PowerPoint and how to get the tool bar in PowerPoint back to the side of the screen and not hidden.

I’ve been learning how to deal with the students in the comm-tech room. Helping them learn how to use apple computers and the different programs that are on these computers.

Friday 15 April 2011

April 16, 2011

It’s the last day for this group of grade nines (section 5) in comm-tech in their rotating Intergrated Technologies. The grade nines have learned the basics of comm-tech while they were in this class. They learned how to do a CD cover which they have to make 3 different panels (front, spine & back) and they have to convert them into one image, make a poster using Photoshop, they have produced a Knock-Knock joke and also made themselves a song using Garage Band.

I will be learning where the weaknesses are in the programs and will be making tutorials on what are the most asked questions. I would mostly like to get the experience learning new things, helping out with people where they are struggling. I would also like to get to know how different people learn differently and the different types of learning styles. I like to learn new things and I am really looking forward to making tutorials.

Friday 8 April 2011

April 8, 2011

Today Ms. Grinnell and I went over the course outline. I am going to be making tutorials in screenr and posting them on you tube or vimio. I will be creating a blog on what I do on day-to-day basics. Which will also include photos of myself, helping out in the class, and changing the size of the photos in iphoto
          I will be creating a web page for comm-tech in the school using free webs were I will post things like students work to show what they do in class. In this course I will be working on Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word. I will also be helping out by helping people that don’t understand how to use the right tools in the right software programs.