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Friday 15 April 2011

April 16, 2011

It’s the last day for this group of grade nines (section 5) in comm-tech in their rotating Intergrated Technologies. The grade nines have learned the basics of comm-tech while they were in this class. They learned how to do a CD cover which they have to make 3 different panels (front, spine & back) and they have to convert them into one image, make a poster using Photoshop, they have produced a Knock-Knock joke and also made themselves a song using Garage Band.

I will be learning where the weaknesses are in the programs and will be making tutorials on what are the most asked questions. I would mostly like to get the experience learning new things, helping out with people where they are struggling. I would also like to get to know how different people learn differently and the different types of learning styles. I like to learn new things and I am really looking forward to making tutorials.

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